Friday 20 March 2009

What's Wrong With This Picture?

I can't quite put my finger on it, bit something's amiss?

Friday 23 January 2009

Yesterdays Workout

I planned to get to my gym early yesterday, get a workout in shower and then relax in the sauna for only about the 5th time in the 4 years I've worked there.

I got there and there and ended up missing my workout because I had to sell a gym membership instead. Oh well such is life.

I waited til I got home and did 8 minutes of intense exercise and made up for the missed workout.

The Workout

Tabata style 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds rest x 8

A1. Bodyweight squats
A2. Press ups

Rested 1 minute grabbed my rucksack, it was full so fairly heavy, and did swings with it

20 seconds on followed by 10 seconds rest x 8.

Believe it or not it was quite intense.

So a good workout and made up for the missed one at the gym

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Todays Workout

I seem to be spending less time in the gym working out and more time exercising at home.
I use mostly bodyweight and dumbbell exercises and the only exercises that I do in the gym but can't do at home (yet) are inverted rows and chins ups.

The Workout

Prisoner squats
Mountain climbers

Scapula wall slides
Front plank

Prisoner lunge
Press up

I found this quite challenging, could possiblybe, just maybe due to the fact that my 3 year old son decided it was time to get up at 4 am this morning! I was due to be up at 5.30 so lost an hour and half sleep : (

I'll have an early night tonight : )

Monday 19 January 2009

An Apology

It's been almost 3 weeks since I last posted, WAY TOO LONG in my book!

In the first week of January I hit a massive slump, I felt down and really demotivated almost depressed. Now I'm not writing this looking for sympathy, it actually turned out to be a positive, it gave me a real chance to do some long hard thinking.

On certain projects I'd been getting too carried away, projects that ultimately wouldn't earn me any more money and would end up wasting a whole bunch of my precious time.

I had too many blogs and was trying to juggle them and ended up not posting on any.
My training wasn't 100% geared towards my goals.
I was also being distracted too much.

Last week I had some moments of clarity and inspiration.
So from now on I will be posting daily with great info that will really help in your fatloss efforts.

Monday 29 December 2008

Bin The Junk

This evening I spent time emptying the less than great food leftover from Christmas from my cupboards. Whilst I hate wasting food, if it's in the house it will get eaten, maybe not by me, but someone I love.

It was good to throw caution to the wind for a couple of days and eat food I normally wouldn't touch, but after eating way too much food containing wheat, I'd had enough of the stomach bloating, lethargy, bad skin and just generally feeling rubbish!

So my tip today is get rid of the junk from your house, with the best will in the world it will get eaten ruining your fat loss efforts.

If it happens to a well intentioned Fitness Professionals, it will happen to the average person!

Fad Diets

It's not even New Year yet and Kelloggs are already promoting there ridiculous eat 2 bowls of Special K per day for 2 weeks and screw your blood sugar levels up..erm I mean drop a dress size.

I have a particular issue with these sorts of diets because all they provide is a quick fix, it's not based on health, it's based on selling more sugar laden, poor excuse for food. There's probably more nutrition in the box it comes in!

If you go on their website you'll see they have 'expert' advice?
Do you really need an 'expert' to teach you how to eat 2 bowls of Special K per day for 2 weeks?

There's absolutely nothing special about the diet, calorie reduction works for weight loss.
However you don't need such a severe reduction in calories to lose weight and you would get the same results if you substituted the Special K for real food like fruit.

Because it's such a quick fix, it doesn't allow time to develop new, healthy eating habits.

The Special K adverts also have Sarah Cox doing the voice over. It really annoys me when celebrities advertise any old junk for a quick buck. I don't think they realise the influence they have, they do such a disservice to the general public promoting this crap.

I just wish these celebrities were just a bit more responsible with respect to what they endorse.

Rant over.

Friday 19 December 2008

Prevent Flu This winter?

For the last two weeks it seems as though every man and his dog has been ill with this cold and flu virus going around.

Not me though, whilst my wife was laid up in bed with flu, my son had a cold and conjunctivitis, my mother in-law had a week off work with flu and every friend on Facebook seemed to be suffering, I was thriving.

At the end of November I started Dax Moy's Elimination Diet. Now I can't prove it, but I think it's no co-incidence that I started a diet that called for LOTS of clean filtered water, plenty of fruit, veg, raw nuts and organic meats and I didn't fall ill.

So my tips for avoiding the flu this winter;

  1. Plenty of clean filtered water-I'm drinking 1 litre per 50lbs of bodyweight.
  2. Several servings a day of fruit and veg-preferably organic, plenty of vitamins, minerals and immune boosting anti-oxidants.
  3. Raw unsalted nuts-plenty of essential fats.
  4. Organic meat-none of the poor quality meat fed on corn and pumped full of steroids, growth hormones and antibiotics.
  5. Get some exercise-not too much, you don't want over train and suppress your immune system.
Simple, but oh so effective.